Blog | Ukraine

1. Oktober 2024

Urban Battlegrounds: Non-Violent Resistance in Occupied Cities 

Iryna Ignatieva

This blogpost reveals how Ukrainian cities under occupation have become unexpected battlegrounds of non-violent resistance. Amidst surveillance and oppression, civilians employ ingenious tactics to defy the occupying forces, reclaiming urban spaces with symbols of hope and resilience. This exploration delves into the strategies of silent protest and civic defiance that transform everyday streets into arenas of courage and solidarity.

10. Mai 2024

Two Christmases in Ukraine: Should the celebrations be seperated to unite the country?

Olena Kononenko

The blog post reflects on the transformational changes in the Ukrainian society following the transition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to the Revised Julian calendar. Analyzing the contested religious situation in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine, Olena Kononenko highlights both the general features of social-religious processes and the spatial differences of religious attitudes through the lens of personal experience during her last trip to Kyiv.

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6. August 2022

“It is not possible to study space without exchanging ideas” — An Interview with CRC 1265 guest researcher Olena Kononenko on her life and research in Kyjiw and Berlin

Olena Kononenko

Olena Kononenko has been a guest researcher at the CRC 1265 since mid-May 2022. With Lucie Bernroider and Sarah Etz, she spoke about Kyjiw’s past, present and future, similarities and differences between Kyjiw and Berlin, her experiences at the CRC 1265 and her hopes for future returns – to both Kyjiw and Berlin.

27. April 2022

Covid-19 und Putins refigurierter Verhandlungstisch

Dr. David Joshua Schröder | Volkan Sayman

Der Verfall europäischer Demokratie in rechtspopulistische Autokratie wurde zu Recht als reaktionäres Resultat einer spannungsreichen Konfrontation zwischen einer neuen Logik globaler Vernetzung und einer alten Logik nationaler Territorialität gedeutet. Sei es Klimawandel, Covid-19 oder Migration – der gefühlt machtlosen Auslieferung an komplex-unsichtbare Abhängigkeit, Ansteckung und ‚Unterwanderung‘ setzen rechtspopulistische Bewegungen ein idealisiertes Trugbild nationaler Gemeinschaftsstärke, moralischer Zweifellosigkeit und Reinheit entgegen. Es ist ein raumsoziologisch bedeutsamer Konflikt zwischen einer vernetzten Logik entgrenzter Verbreitung und einer territorialen Logik repräsentativer Reinheit.
