Blog | Mobility

6. August 2021

Infrastructural violence in Johannesburg’s taxi industry

Silvia Danielak

Since the emergence of ride-hailing applications, South African urban centers have seen a rise in violence between the traditional metered taxis and the new ride-share services. Hundreds of criminal cases have been opened over the last years, and protests organized by ride-hailing drivers have drawn attention to the rising tension in the transport industry. A focus on urban infrastructure might shed new light on the history, politics and materiality of places that perpetuate violence in South Africa’s cities.

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4. June 2020

Shifting b/orders in times of the pandemic

Dr. Norbert Cyrus | Dr. Peter Ulrich

In a nutshell, the measures taken to stem the Covid-19 disease consist basically in the drawing of new and the thickening of existing borders. The strategy of bordering practices, as Norbert Cyrus & Peter Ulrich summarize these interventions against the spread of the Corona virus, was pursued first time in Wuhan, China: The right to leave and enter the city area had been restricted and movements across city borders became the subject of surveillance. Also, within the city area, the citizens’ freedom of movement was strictly restricted by imposing a curfew. Moreover, access to stores and working places was only allowed under certain restrictions.

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23. April 2020

Why “Now” is an Important Moment in History: Corona and the Re-Figured Mobility of the World

The spread of coronavirus since early 2020 has put many of us at home. Suddenly, the streams of bustling mobility across the globe have stopped. In this blog post, Ayham Dalal reflects on how transportation and mobility re-figured the world. Tracing their impact in the formation of unequal and asymmetric geographies, he puts two less-visible worlds in conversation with each other: “overly connected” and “overly isolated” ones. Using his personal experience of transiting between both, the article aims to show how the global growth and expansion of mobility networks privileged some and hindered others, thus producing unequal geographies and distorted imaginaries. In this historical moment, the article addresses the impact of extensive mobility on the re-figuration of spaces and urges to revisit the potentials of dwelling as counter-practice for a more just and livable future.

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17. April 2020

Corona und der öffentliche Raum

Volkan Sayman

Wie konnte sich so rapide eine virologisch-statistische Deutung des öffentlichen Raums bei so vielen Menschen durchsetzen? Was zeigt Corona über die gesellschaftlichen Probleme auf, die sich auch in „normalen“ Zeiten im und am öffentlichen Raum abspielen? Der Beitrag nimmt aktuelle Veränderungen im öffentlichen Raum zum Anlass, um seine Veränderbarkeit zu betonen und auf bestehende Ungleichheiten hinzuweisen, die sich während der Krise verschärfen können. Im Einzelnen geht es um kleine Geschäfte, Bier, politischen Aktivismus, Digitalisierung, Obdachlose und Mobilität.

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