Blog | Germany

31. January 2025

Care for whom? Reflections on care practices in the city of Berlin

Joana Martins

Care can be understood in different ways depending on the social-political context in question. What for some may seem like a lack of care, for others is just a different way of caring. By researching environmental/urban education activities with children, the author seeks to relate children´s autonomy regarding urban issues in Berlin to care practices. This blog article shows some of the first reflections of Joana Martins' field work in Berlin as a visiting fellow at CRC.

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16. June 2023

Pokémon Go – When the cemetery becomes a playground

Dr. Eric Lettkemann

CRC 1265 researcher Eric Lettkemann unravels the intriguing dynamics between digital technology and public spaces. Uncovering contrasting approaches to the of hybrid reality game Pokémon Go, from cemetery bans in Germany to seamless integration in Tokyo, he discusses the social implications and future challenges of such locative media as we navigate an evolving world where the digital of physical increasingly overlap.

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14. October 2022

Legibility, contradictions and situated intersections in counterpublic spaces of Berlin

Dr. Christy Kulz | Dr. Martin Fuller

This blogpost explores how counterpublic spaces act as intrinsically intersectional spaces shaped by power, history and emotion. In his celebrated 2019 book Afropean: Notes from Black Europe, Johny Pitts sets off by train from Sheffield on a five-month journey across continental Europe. Pitts’ mission seeks to explore the everyday life of black European experiences, beyond the “standoffish academic vernacular” (2019: 5) and to look for instances of “reverse colonialism” that highlight the long-term social and cultural presence and influence of blackness on European culture.

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19. August 2022

Cherries, Politics and Refiguration of Spaces

Dr. Linda Hering | Lara Espeter

One likes to show guests something special, and depending on what they find interesting, the places usually selected range from museums, shopping malls, historic city centers, impressive nature reserves to the latest 5-star restaurant. In contrast, our visiting scientists from Chile are interested in how fruit production in Germany differs from that in their home country. For this reason, we, the CRC project A03 “Goods and Knowledge II” in cooperation with the DFG project “Apples and Flowers”[1], visited a fruit farm together with our guests Beatriz Bustos [2] , Patricia Retamal and Raúl Contreras.

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20. August 2021

Die fahrradfreundliche Stadt für alle? Überlegungen zu Ein- und Ausschlüssen der aktuellen Radverkehrsentwicklung in Berlin

Maximilian Hoor

Die Verkehrswende in Berlin scheint zum Greifen nahe und der Radverkehr erlebt seit Jahren einen rasanten Bedeutungsgewinn in Wissenschaft, Politik, Planung und Kultur. Der Beitrag greift aktuelle Entwicklungen des Radverkehrs auf und ordnet diese in den Kontext verkehrs- und stadtpolitischer Debatten ein. Es geht um die Frage, welchen Beitrag ein inklusiv gestalteter Radverkehr für die Verkehrswende und die lebenswerte Stadt leisten kann, und welche Herausforderungen sich dabei stellen.

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26. March 2021

Ein Gefühl von Heimat – Stadien als Orte von Polykontexturalität

Dr. Michael Wetzels

Wenn wir von »Stadien« sprechen, haben wir bestimmte Bilder im Kopf. Orte, an denen sich »legendäre« Spiele ereignet haben, jubelnde Fans, kurzum: Räume, an denen sich Großes ereignet und viele Menschen zusammenkommen. All diese Vorstellungen ist eins gemeinsam: Stadien wirken auf Menschen vielfältig oder um ein Wort aus diesem SFB zu verwenden: polykontextural. Was verbirgt sich hinter diesem komplizierten Wort? Das werde ich in diesem Blogbeitrag am Beispiel des Olympiastadions Berlin und dem Verein Hertha BSC erklären.

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19. March 2020

On experiencing Berlin and Interdisciplinarity. An Interview with Letteria G. Fassari

Nina Meier | Letteria G. Fassari

From October 2019 till February 2020 Letteria G. Fassari was Visiting Fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre 1265. In this interview conducted at the end of her stay, she gives insights into her time at the CRC and her impressions of the city of Berlin.

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