Blog | Politics

19. August 2022

Cherries, Politics and Refiguration of Spaces

Dr. Linda Hering | Lara Espeter

One likes to show guests something special, and depending on what they find interesting, the places usually selected range from museums, shopping malls, historic city centers, impressive nature reserves to the latest 5-star restaurant. In contrast, our visiting scientists from Chile are interested in how fruit production in Germany differs from that in their home country. For this reason, we, the CRC project A03 “Goods and Knowledge II” in cooperation with the DFG project “Apples and Flowers”[1], visited a fruit farm together with our guests Beatriz Bustos [2] , Patricia Retamal and Raúl Contreras.

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26. April 2021

Conflicted fantasies and spatial identities: from Ramallah to Paris

Aseel Aldeek

This post presents a personal account of my experiences growing up in Ramallah, Palestine, studying at Al-Quds Bard university in Palestine and then emigrating to France. It is an overview of all the spaces I had to interact with throughout my life which have now come to define my identity. By observing the different political and social atmospheres in different spaces and their effect on me, I have come to realise that my identity has no static definition and is continuously redefined through every space I exist in.

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17. April 2020

Corona und der öffentliche Raum

Volkan Sayman

Wie konnte sich so rapide eine virologisch-statistische Deutung des öffentlichen Raums bei so vielen Menschen durchsetzen? Was zeigt Corona über die gesellschaftlichen Probleme auf, die sich auch in „normalen“ Zeiten im und am öffentlichen Raum abspielen? Der Beitrag nimmt aktuelle Veränderungen im öffentlichen Raum zum Anlass, um seine Veränderbarkeit zu betonen und auf bestehende Ungleichheiten hinzuweisen, die sich während der Krise verschärfen können. Im Einzelnen geht es um kleine Geschäfte, Bier, politischen Aktivismus, Digitalisierung, Obdachlose und Mobilität.

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