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1. July 2024 17:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Hosted by Hybrid Mapping Working Group, CRC 1265 Re-figuration of Spaces and Chair of Urban Design (CUD), Technical University Berlin
Organised by Jamie-Scott Baxter, Séverine Marguin and Vivien Sommer

Berlin is a growing centre for innovative sociospatial research, especially regarding novel inter- and transdisciplinary mapping procedures reaching across the Berlin university landscape (Technische Universität, Universität der Künste, and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) around the research consortium CRC 1265. In a world undergoing profound and rapid transformation, there is an urgent need to empirically grasp complex processes of social and environmental change from a spatial perspective. One such a perspective, which we refer to as the refiguration of spaces, focuses on the tensions and contradictions within relational processes and challenges us to reconsider space and time together in new ways. Addressing this provocation, we have curated the talk series SPACETIME MATTERS which invites international spatial scholars integrating temporalities into mapping methods to discuss their work. At the core of our reflections lurks the idea of spacetime advanced by Doreen Massey, and that we are developing further at the CRC 1265 to conceptualise the multiplicity of spaces existing simultaneously with different temporalities. To empirically grasp multiple spatialities and temporalities, mapping protocols are of great methodical potential. As a working group ‘Hybrid Mapping Methods’, we worked out an interpretative mapping approach for the synthesis of shifting sociospatial interdependencies. With this lecture series, we engage in international debate around this potential and challenges of mapping. Hence SPACETIME MATTERS turns over questions such as: What challenges occur for integrating time and space into mapping protocols? How can multiple simultaneous temporalities be spatialities in mapping? What possibilities and challenges do digital technologies (such as animation or AI) present for mapping spacetimes? One of the aims of the talk series is to produce an anthology on spacetime mapping.


SFB 1265

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SFB 1265
1. July 2024 17:00 – 19:00 Uhr



06.5.2024 / 1. The Agency of Drawing
Deane Simpson (The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, Copenhagen), Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) and Jesse LeCavalier (Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, Ithaca)

27.5.2024 / 2. Radical Cartographies of Extended Urbanisation (On-Site/Hybrid)
Philippe Rekacewicz (University of Wageningen, NL), Christian Schmid (ETH, Zürich), Dorothée Billard (Berlin)

1.7.2024 / 3. Mapping Movements (On-Site/Hybrid)
Simone Rueß (visual artist, Berlin) about movement mappings

Noël van Dooren (independent landscape architect and researcher, NL) about drawing time in landscape architecture