
Under the direction of the Technische Universität Berlin, UrbanEx – a permanent exhibition space at POP KUDAMM – will be transformed into a creative and scientific experience space from 12 May 2022, highlighting and making accessible issues relating to the city and space.

In the 6-week exhibition ”Next Generation City Planning – Spatial Knowledge of Children and Young People in Planning“, questions and initial results of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre ‘Re-Figuration of Spaces’ will be shown.

This urban development process is always intended for the next generations. However, they have new needs and abilities. The exhibition is therefore dedicated to the ‘spatial knowledge of children and young people’. The underlying research work has provided scientific findings in a broad-based evaluation of studies and our own analyses, which can not only give an idea of the questions for urban planning of the future, but also substantiate them. These questions must now be answered by urban development.

The exhibition thematises the following areas on various levels:

How can and will the spatial knowledge of children and young people be integrated into urban development?

Digital natives have significantly different experiences and skills compared to today’s urban planners. How can we learn from them?

Online and offline spaces are merging into a new spatial experience – not in theory, but as a reality for the younger generations. What does this mean for urban planning?

Today, spatial knowledge no longer has to be experienced on site. How does this affect urban planning?

Public space is much more than ‘not private’. What expectations will future generations have of such places?

Photos: Angela Million