
SPACETIME MATTERS: Ethnographic Map Making and the City

Dagmar Pelger
18. July 2023

Drawing (out) spacetimes: Methodological reflections on mapping in sociospatial research

Hosted by Hybrid Mapping Working Group, CRC 1265 Re-figuration of Spaces, and Chair of Urban Design (CUD), Technische Universität Berlin. Organised by Jamie-Scott Baxter, Séverine Marguin and Vivien Sommer

SPACETIME MATTERS aims at inviting international spatial scholars integrating temporalities into mapping methods to discuss their work. At the core of our reflections lurks the idea of spacetime as a means to conceptualize the multiplicity of spaces existing simultaneously with different temporalities.

Session 3: Ethnographic Mapping
Ethnographic Map Making and the City – presented by Dagmar Pelger (Universität Kassel)