The Territory of Affect: Polymorphous Populism and National Boundaries
In this lecture, I will build on a recent essay on “polymorphous populism” (Appadurai 2024) to revisit the libidinal power of the linked ideas of soil, territory and blood which seem to drive the stubborn appeal of many forms of ethno-nationalism, in spite of the growth of an unprecedented set of sub-national and transnational affinities. The idea of “polymorphous populism” revives a term from Herbert Marcuse to discuss the new forms of ethnonational desire, which blur the distinctions between people, etnos and territory, and contribute to a form of surplus attachment to the nation-form.
This keynote was given at the 6th International Conference “Conflicts in Space – Spatial Conflicts” from October 10-11th, 2024.
Conference Organizers: Barbara Pfetsch and Hubert Knoblauch