
Call for Applications – International Participatory Summer School “Power and Space”

18. April 2023

The SFB1265 cordially invites applications for the International Participatory Summer School “Power and Space”, taking place in Berlin from 13th to 15th of September 2023.

Social structures and processes are reflective of and defined by power relations, and so is space: social inequalities as well as underlying power structures spatially materialize. During the three days, we would like to discuss and explore the relationship between power and space along two broad themes: “Power, Space, and Practice” and “Methodological Reflections on Research in Unequal Spaces”.

Power, Space and Practice
We are interested in how power is reflected in space—engaging with theory as well as with empirical perspectives. On the one hand, we want to explore how hegemony and spatial power relations are constructed, (re)produced and maintained. Which strategies and practices are adopted by and within political and social systems to construct spaces of domination (materially as well as through knowledge and ideas)? We understand spatial power relations as structured along axes of privilege and oppression. On the other hand, we ask how spaces of resistance can be created and how practices can re-define (and possibly re-figure) spatial power relations. Subjects can re-appropriate power and construct counter-spaces in their everyday lives by manipulating, using and diverting spaces as well as by attaching different meanings to it.

Methodological Reflections on Research in Unequal Spaces
Research and academia are highly structured by power relations and inequality — within academia, among researchers, and in our interactions as researchers with the field. At the Summer School we want to reflect together on how power relations and inequality influence the specific research fields of participants and the struggles that entails. Based on this reflection, we want to share strategies on how we can move forward to create equal relations between researchers, research participants and all knowledge systems.

The Summer School follows a participatory format, where we can learn from each other and our research. We are planning a variety of formats, e.g., keynote lectures, workshops, discussions, field trips, combined with insights from actors creating spaces of resistance. Of course, there will also be social events.

Is there any financial support available?
Participation in the Summer School itself is free of charge. However, due to limited funding we ask participants to cover their own costs for travel and accommodation. We are planning to set up a hosting-scheme where participants will have the opportunity to stay with local PhD students – although spots might be limited.
Financial support can be made available for those with no other funding options. Please indicate in your letter of motivation if you need support for travel and accommodation as well as the amount you expect you will require. As we especially welcome applications from outside of the EU, please do not hesitate to request financial support if you consider costs to be high.

I have caring responsibilities, can you offer support?
Childcare will be provided during the Summer School. Please indicate in your letter of motivation if you are considering bringing children who require care.

I have other needs, will you be able to make accommodations for me?
We aim to make the Summer School as accessible as possible. Venues will be wheelchair accessible. Please let us know what other specific needs you might have and we will do our best to accommodate them.

How do I apply?
To apply, please provide a letter of motivation of up to 500 words, outlining why you are interested in participating in the Summer School and what your research interests are. Please also include a current CV. If you have suggestions for specific topics you would like to address during the Summer School or are interested in organizing a session or workshop, please provide an additional description of the topic and why you think it is particularly interesting to discuss (up to 500 words).

Please send your application to by 15th of May 2023 with the subject line “Application Participatory Summer School Power and Space” in one single PDF-file.

We welcome applications from doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, as well as activists and practitioners working on issues relating to power and space.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch

We are looking forward to your applications and to hopefully seeing you in Berlin this year!

Calendar of Events

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