Kristina Korte (Former Members)
C01 : The Borders of the World IIResearch Associate
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
10117 Berlin
Academic background
since 03/2018
Research assistant at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt-University. PhD student in the DFG-funded collaborative research project “Refiguration of Spaces”
2010 - 2013
M.A. Social Sciences, Humboldt-University Berlin
2011 - 2012
Year abroad at „Université de Provence“, Aix-en-Provence, France
2006 - 2010
B.A. Social Sciences (with secondary subject Area Studies Asia/Africa), Humboldt-University Berlin
2008 - 2009
Semester abroad „Université Hassan II“, Mohammedia, Morocco
03/2009 - 06/2009
Research internship at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact (PIK)
Professional experience
2016 - 2018
Lecturer and coordinator for the federal volunteer service on migration Association Club Dialog e.V., Berlin
since 2015
Trainer for political education (freelance)
With main focus on intercultural learning and outdoor education
2013 – 2015
Trainer and coordinator for intercultural education
Association „Une Terre Culturelle“, Marseilles
Grants and scholarships
2007 - 2012
Student scholarship grant, German Academic Scholarship Foundation
2011 - 2012
Travel and research grant for a year abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France
2009 - 2011
Participation in the research training group “Society and the state today”
2008 - 2009
Travel and research grant for a semester abroad in Mohammedia, Morocco
Research Focus
Migration and Integration
Borders and Boundaries
Racism, Identity, Transculturality
Environmental Policy and Climate Change
“Unequal mobilities – selectivity, security and control at highly fortified borders”
Mau, Steffen/ Gülzau, Fabian/Korte, Kristina (2021): Grenzen erkunden. Grenzinfrastrukturen und die Rolle fortifizierter Grenzen im globalen Kontext. In: Löw, M./ Sayman, V./ Schwerer, J./ Wolf, H. (Hrsg.): Am Ende der Globalisierung. Bielefeld: transcript.
Korte, Kristina (2020): ‘Who is the Animal in the Zoo?’ Fencing in and Fencing out at the Hungarian-Serbian Border. A Qualitative Case Study. In: Journal of Borderland Studies, 1-22. (peer-reviewed)