Mina Godarzani-Bakhtiari
Associate Member
Technische Universität Berlin
Institute of Sociology
Fraunhoferstraße 33-36 (FH 9-1)
10587 Berlin
since 2022
Research Assistant
ORA/DFG project ‚Visions of Policing. How Visual Technologies Shape Police Oversight and Training’, TU Berlin -
2020 - 2023
MA Sociology and Technology Studies, TU Berlin
2015 - 2019
BA Sociology / Politics and Administration, University of Potsdam
Research Focus
Urban and spatial sociology
Visual sociology
Qualitative methods
Post-/Decolonial theory
(Post)migrant perspectives
Godarzani-Bakhtiari, Mina (forthcoming). Gegenöffentliche Problematisierung polizeilicher Nekropolitik. Forensic Architecture’s Investigation des Polizeieinsatzes in Hanau. sub/urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung.
Godarzani-Bakhtiari, Mina and Tuma, Rene (forthcoming). Objektivierung von visuellem Wissen – Die Transformation von Big Visual Data in den vernakularen Analysen von Forensic Architecture. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Soziologie.
IIEMCA Conference Seoul, South Korea, 2024: Multi-layered Temporality in the Documentation of Forensic Architecture.
The 10th Biennial Surveillance Studies Network / Surveillance & Society Conference (SSN 2024) Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2024: Forensic Architecture: Counter-Public Negotiations of Policings Necropolitics.
Conference: Membership Categorization Analysis. Soziologische Perspektiven auf ein Forschungsprogramm. Universität Duisburg/Essen, Germany, 2024: Forensic Architecture: ‚Gegenöffentliche‘ Verhandlung von Kategorien.
Workshop: Qualitative Videoanalyse – Audio-visuelle Daten und ihre Kontexte. TU Berlin, Germany, 2023: Forensic Architecture: Video & Gegenforensik.
23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – EUROCRIM. Florence, Italy, 2023: (with Tuma, R.) The Introduction and Implications of Video Recording in Suspect Interrogations.
Workshop: The New Visibilities of Policing in-action. Cardiff University, UK, 2023: Forensic Architecture: Counterpublic investigations of policing using visual and spatial technology.
Conference: Narratives of Achievement in African and Afroeuropean Context. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2018: (with Hericks, K.) Efficient production: the paradigm of productivity in the International Labour Organization.
Prize for the best Master’s thesis of the year
Institut of Sociology
Title thesis: “(In)visibility re-negotiated – counter-public objectification and the significance of space“ (title translated)