© Jan-Holger Hennies

Mirjana Mitrović

Associate Member

Berlin University of the Arts
Vilém Flusser Archive | Room 208
Grunewaldstraße 2-5
D-10823 Berlin



  • Work experience (selection)

  • Since 12/2024

    Research Associate, Vilém Flusser Archive, Berlin University of the Arts

  • Since 10/2020

    Lecturer at the Institute of Communication, Berlin University of the Arts

  • Since 2017

    Media artist with exhibitions and multimedia installations in Germany and abroad

  • Since 2016

    Freelance journalist and Photojournalist for different media outlets in Germany and Mexico

  • 05/2016 - 08/2016

    Student Assistant at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Literatures and Cultures of Latin America, Freie Universität Berlin

  • 10/2014 – 10/2015

    Student Assistant at the ARD General Secretariat in the area of Public Relations/Events

  • 08/2014

    Student Assistant DRV Summer School “Romanistik in Bewegung”, Universität Potsdam

  • Studies and apprenticeship

  • Since 10/2019

    PhD Candidate, Institute of Communication, Berlin University of the Arts

  • 10/2023 - 12/2023

    Panofsky Fellow, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

  • 03/2023 - 06/2023

    Fellow, IAS-STS, TU Graz, Österreich

  • 10/2015 - 03/2018

    M.A. Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

  • 10/2011 - 05/2015

    B.A. Cultural Studies & Spanish Philology, Universität Potsdam

  • 07/2009 - 06/2011

    Apprenticeship in event management, concert agency Propeller Music & Event GmbH, Munich

  • Research abroad

  • 12/2022 - 02/2023

    Research stay during the PhD in Mexico City

  • 11/2021 - 02/2022

    Research stay during the PhD in Mexico City

  • 08/2017 - 01/2018

    Research stay during the M.A. in Mexico City

  • 08/2016 - 07/2017

    Two semesters abroad at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City

  • 07/2013 - 12/2013

    One semester abroad at Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), San José, Costa Rica

  • Memberships (selection)

  • Since 05/2024

    Network “Red de Mujeres Unidas”, German Federal Foreign Office / GIZ

  • Since 05/2022

    Associate Member, DFG-funded collaborative research center 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces”

  • Since 05/2022

    European association for the study of science and technology (EASST)

  • Since 03/2021

    BBK Berlin (berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin e.V.)

  • Since 02/2019

    Interdisciplinary Network for Studies Investigating Science and Technology (INSIST)

  • Since 03/2018

    Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)

  • Since 01/2017

    Bund demokratischer Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen (BdWi) and since 06/2021 elected Advisory Board Member


“Hybrid Worlds: Flanerie between virtual and material realities in public urban spaces” (working title)


  • Publications (selection)

    • Mitrović, M. & Voigt, M-L. (forthcoming 2025): Glitch(ing)! A refusal and gateway to more caring techno-urban worlds? In: Digital Geography and Society.

    • Mitrović, M. (forthcoming 2025): The Third Space Walk. An experimental approach to understanding urban space between the analogue and digital. In: Davies, S./ Goldberg, E./ Gámez, F./ Schikowitz, A. (Hg.): Revisiting Reflexivity: Liveable Worlds in Research and Beyond. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

    • Mitrović, M. (forthcoming 2025): Flânerie. Redesigning research in digitalized urban spaces. In: Dlabaja, C./ Nimführ, S./ Goez, N. (Hg.): Raum – Theorie – Empirie. Ein Arbeitsbuch. Wiesbaden: Springer.

    • Huszka, V. / Mélix, S. / Mitrović, M. (forthcoming 2025): Räume – eine visuelle Annäherung. In: Dlabaja, C./ Nimführ, S./ Goez, N. (Hg.): Raum – Theorie – Empirie. Ein Arbeitsbuch. Wiesbaden: Springer.

    • Mitrović, M. (2024): Cyberfeminists in Mexico City. Discourses and tactics. In: Birle, P./ Windus, A. (Hg.): Conocimiento, poder y transformación digital en América Latina. Frankfurt am Main / Madrid: Vervuert / Iberoamericana, pp. 171-184.

    • Mitrović, M. (2023): Pink.Glitter.Violence. (Creative Intervention). In: Studies in Social Justice, Vol. 17 No. 2, 30.03.2023, pp. 259-268. URL: (December 8, 2024).

    • Suárez, M., & Mitrović, M. (2023): Digital Violence as Affective Disciplining after Feminist Protests. The Case of #NotLikeThatLadies. In: Voß, J.-P./ Rigamonti, N./ Suárez, M. / Watson, J. (Eds.): Sensing Collectives. Aesthetic and Political Practices Intertwined. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 255-276.

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): Hybrid Spaces: Walking between analog and digital worlds. In: Shocks, Turmoil and Transformation Symposium Feminist Geographies. Feministische Geo-RundMail, No. 91, October 2022, pp. 29-34. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): Third Space Walk. In: Mapping Stories of Mapping within Feminist Geography. Feministische Geo-RundMail, No. 89, April 2022. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): Los límites de las caídas y otras lineas rojas. Die Grenzen des Falls und andere rote Linien. Guadalajara (Mexico): Navegante Arte Múltiple. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2020): Mexiko: Feministische Proteste in Zeiten der Pandemie. (Interview mit der mexikanischen Cyberfeministin Lulle V. Barrera). In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 01.12.2020. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2019): Glitzer und Gewalt. Protest in Mexiko-Stadt gegen Verbrechen an Frauen – Laut und Vernetzt. In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten, No. 543/544, September/October 2019.

    • Mitrović, M. (2018): Claroscuros de los mundos digitales según los mundos académicos. In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung México, 18.07.2018. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2017): La cyborg, la Malinche y las (e)stereotipas. In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung México, 11.10.2017. Online access: (last visited: December 8, 2024).

    • Mitrović, M. (2017): Activismo ciberfeminista actual en la Ciudad de México. In: Revista Pillku – Amantes de la libertad. Edición Especial: Antología de un proceso colaborativo, Yoro: San Ignacio, pp. 105-109.

  • Talks at conferences (selection)

    • Mitrović, M. (2023): “Walking as a reflexive method.” Making liveable (STS) worlds through reflexive methods, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, June 01, 2023.

    • Mitrović, M. (2023): “Flâneuse. Moving on foot through cities in digital times.” 21st Annual STS Conference Graz 2023. Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS- STS), TU Graz, Austria, May 09, 2023.

    • Mitrović, M. (2023): “Flânieren in hybriden Stadträumen zwischen analogen und digitalen Realitäten.” DKG’23, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), Frankfurt am Main, September 22, 2023.

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): “Flâneuses* Walking Through Digital and Material Spaces in Mexico City and Berlin.” 4S/ESOCITE 2022. Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration: Knowledges and technosciences for living together, Cholula, Mexico. December 08, 2022.

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): “Third Space Walks. Flâneuse* in virtual and material spaces of cities.” EASST 2022. Politics of Technoscientific Futures, European association for the study of science and technology (EASST), Feria de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. July 07, 2022.

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): “Third Space Walk. Flâneusen zwischen digitalen und materiellen Realitäten im öffentlichen Stadtraum.” Urban Spaces And Landscapes Workshop (II), Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria. May 19, 2022.

    • Mitrović, M. (2022): “Sneak-Peak: Exhibition. Third Space Walk. Flaneuses* between virtual and material urban spaces.” Shocks, Turmoils, and Transformations: Symposium Feminist Geographies” AK Feministische Geographie, Berlin, Germany. April 28, 2022.

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): “Third Space Walk. Flâneusen zwischen digitalen und materiellen Realitäten im öffentlichen Stadtraum.” Urban Spaces And Landscapes Workshop, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria (online). November 26, 2021.

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): “Third Space Walk. A mobile method in virtual and material spaces of cities.” 4S 2021. Good Relations, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Toronto, Canada (online). October 7, 2021.

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): “‘Internet es nuestra’. Saberes y poderes en los discursos actuales de los ciberfeminismos en la ciudad de México.” Conocimiento, poder y transformación digital en América Latina“ Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung (ADLAF), Munich (online). July 2, 2021.

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): “Third Space Walk. Collaborating with flâneuses in virtual and material spaces of cities.” IPCC 2021. Collaborations, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey (online). May 8, 2021.

    • Mitrović, M. (2021): “Third Space Walk. Flânerie in virtual and material spaces of cities.” Off the Grid, Geomedia 2021, Siegen (online). May 6, 2021.

    • Mitrović, M. (2019): “Discursos ciberfeministas y odio anti-feminista entre el mundo virtual y material en la Ciudad de México.” Plataforma de Diálogo: Nuevos discursos de odio y sus contradiscursos en América Latina, Sede Regional Merian CALAS Cono Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 17, 2019.

    • Mitrović, M. (2018): “The current discourses of cyberfeminist movements in Mexico City.” 4S 2018. TRANSnational STS, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Sydney, Australia. September 1, 2018.

    • Mitrović, M. (2018): “Discursos actuales de los ciberfeminismos en la Ciudad de México.” LASA 2018. Latin American Studies in a globalized World, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Barcelona, Spain. May 24, 2018.

    • Mitrović, M. (2018): “Discursos actuales de los ciberfeminismos en la Ciudad de México.” Congreso Internacional Perspectivas de los jóvenes frente a las crisis. Identidad, violencia, desigualdad social y medio ambiente, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico. April 12, 2018.

    • Mitrović, M. (2017): “Discursos actuales de los ciberfeminismos en la Ciudad de México.” XXIV Coloquio Internacional de Estudios de Género. Ciencia, Tecnología y Género, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. October 25, 2017.

    • Mitrović, M. (2017): “Discurso actual del ciberfeminismo en la Ciudad de México.” Nachwuchstagung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Lateinamerika, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Weingarten. June 22, 2017.

  • Exhibitions

    • 2025
      – “Glitzer”, Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany (group exhibition)

    • 2024
      – “Fragmentierte Geschichte(n)”, Project Space Festival, TURBA Factory, Berlin, Germany

    • 2022
      – “Third Space Walk. Flâneuses* between virtual and material urban spaces.”, re:publica, Berlin, Germany (group exhibition)
      – “Pink.Glitter.Violence.”, Mz* Baltazar, Vienna, Austria
      – “Third Space Walk. Flâneuses* between virtual and material urban spaces.”, Galerie im Medienhaus der UdK, Berlin, Germany (group exhibition)

    • 2021
      – “Pink.Glitter.Violence.”, Galerie des August Bebel Instituts, Berlin, Germany

    • 2020
      – “Pink.Glitter.Violence.”, Projekt- und Hörgalerie A und V, Leipzig, Germany
“Fungi.” mit Paola de Anda, 40 Feria Internacional del Libro de Oaxaca, Mexico (group exhibition)

      -“Pink.Glitter.Violence.”, Atelier Automatique, Bochum, Germany
“Los límites de las caídas y otras líneas rojas”, Museo Casa de la Memoria Indómita, Mexico City, Mexico

      -“Los límites de las caídas y otras líneas rojas”, Bezirk, Guadalajara, Mexico

    • 2019
      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel, Germany

    • 2018
      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Galerie bauchhund salonlabor, Berlin, Germany

      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Atelier Farbfieber e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany

      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Bezirk, Guadalajara, Mexico

      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Centro Cultural Alemán, Monterrey, Mexico

    • 2017
      – “Estamos conectadas | Wir sind vernetzt.” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, Museo Casa de la Memoria Indómita, Mexico City, Mexico

      – “Was nützen Ihnen die Tatsachen? Wenn sie nicht wissen, was sie damit anfangen sollen!” mit Jan-Holger Hennies, FMP1, Berlin, Germany (group exhibition)