Sylvana Jahre
Associate Member
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Geography Department
Rudower Chaussee 16
12489 Berlin
10/2015 – 10/2016
Cinematography studies at Filmarche e.V. Berlin
Diploma in Geography, Department of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Title of my thesis: Production of space through boundaries? – An analysis of everyday life practices in refugee shelters in Berlin.
02/2011 – 12/2011
University of Melbourne, Australia (Exchange Postgraduate Scholarship)
01/2010 – 06/2010
Lund University, Sweden (ERASMUS Scholarship)
10/2006 – 09/2013
Study of Geography with minor subjects Social Science and Urban and Regional Planning, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Work Experience
since 01/2016
Research Associate
Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Economic Geography
02/2014 – 12/2015
Project Coordinator
Geography Department: Preparation and implementation of the German Congress of Geography
03/2012 – 12/2012
Internship MitOst e.V. Berlin
Cultural and artistic exchange projects between EU and Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Arab Countries
04/2011 – 10/2011
Research Assistant for Prof. Alison Young
University of Melbourne, Australia on street art and city spaces
05/2009 – 01/2011
Student Assistant for Prof. Ilse Helbrecht
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geography Department, Cultural and Social Geography
Research Focus
Urban Studies
Refugee and forced migration
Urban citizenship
Processes of sociospatial inclusion & exclusion
Title PhD project: Participation through integration management? An analysis of the program BENN – Berlin develops new neighborhoods (working title)
Short description PhD project:
Despite it’s ongoing criticism, Germany has adopted as common procedure to accommodate refugees in large shelters. Thus, calling for a political and social integration of refugees in accordance to their environment is highly contradictory. In this antagonistic situation Berlin has launched its new urban development program BENN – Berlin enwickelt neue Nachbarschaften – “Berlin develops new neighborhoods”, which aim to include both, refugees and neighbors. Hence, the central question of my dissertation project asks why sociospatial processes and integration are closely linked and what conflicts evolve through the negotiation processes. The basis of this is formed through the assumption that there are overarching mechanisms of action, that influence the local room of manoeuvring and directly affect neighborhood processes.
Jahre, Sylvana (2014): Refugee reception and the social production of space: the case of Berlin. Working Paper. IMISCOE Conference on International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion.
Refugee homes, communal integration policies and migrant living conditions. Panel at the Conference of the Refugee Research Network together with René Kreichauf. Osnabrück 8 October 2016.
Exploring and applying Henri Lefebvres work on social production of space. Research Workshop Refugees in European Localities: Reception, Perception and Policies. TU Chemnitz 17 March 2015.
Refugee reception and the social production of space: the case of Berlin. Presentation at the IIMISCOE Conference on International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion. Madrid 28 August 2014.
Production of Space through Boundaries – An analysis of everyday life practices in refugee shelters in Berlin. Conference of the Network Critical Geography: Unequal development. Geography of the crisis and spaces of resistance. Frankfurt a.M. 29 June 2013.