
Dr. Dominik Bartmanski (Ehemalige)

B03 : Smart People

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Technische Universität Berlin
BH-5-1 | Raum 209
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin

+49 (0)30 314-73788


  • Akademischer Werdegang

  • 2019

    Habilitation, Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin

  • 2011

    Ph.D. with distinction, Sociology, Yale University, USA

  • 2007

    M.A. in Sociology, Yale University, USA

  • 2006

    M.A. in European Studies, University of Exeter, UK

  • 2005

    Magister, Sociology, honors, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

  • 2002

    Magister, International Relations, honors, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

  • Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten

  • 2018 – 2021

    Researcher within SonderForschungsBereich (SFB 1265, Re-Figuration von Räumen). Project: “Smart Cities: Everyday Life in Digitalized Spaces“.

  • 2015 – 2018

    Researcher within the DFG funded project “Star Architecture and Its Role for Re-positioning Small and Mid-size Cities”, Sociology Department, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

  • 2014 – 2017

    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, Austria

  • 2014 – 2015

    Visiting Lecturer, Bard College Berlin, Germany

  • 2012 – 2015

    European Social Fund & Czech Ministry of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sociology Department, Masaryk University

  • 2012

    Visiting Lecturer, Technische Universität, Darmstadt, Germany

  • 2005 – 2011

    Doctoral Candidate & Teaching Fellow, Yale University

  • Andere berufliche Tätigkeiten

  • 2003

    Researcher at photo stock agency, Peter Arnold, Inc., New York, NY, USA (January-May)

  • 2001

    Internship, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw, Poland (September)

  • Preise

  • 2012

    The Marvin B. Sussman Award for the Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Sociology Department in 2011, Yale University

  • 2012

    The Junior Theorist Award, granted every four years by Research Committee 16 (RC16) of International Sociological Association, for the best sociological article.

    The awarded article was: "How to Become an Iconic Social Thinker: The Intellectual Pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault" published by European Journal of Social Theory. June 27, Trento, Italy

  • 2001

    Estreicher Fund Prize for outstanding academic achievements, Pruszyński Cultural Foundation


    • Cultural Sociology

    • Social Theory

    • Urban Ethnography

    • Urban Design

    • Music Sociology


  • Bücher

  • Herausgeberschaften

    • Alexander, J.C., Bartmanski, D. & Giesen, B. (editors). 2012. Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Begutachtete Fachaufsätze

    • Bartmanski, D. and M. Fuller. 2018. Reconstructing Berlin: Materiality and Meaning in Symbolic Politics of Urban Space. City. Vol. 22, No. 2: 202-219.

    • Alaily-Mattar, N., Bartmanski, D., Dreher, J., Koch, M., Löw, M., Pape, T., Thierstein, A. 2018. Situating Architectural Performance: ‘Star Architecture’ and Its Roles in Repositioning the Cities of Graz, Lucerne and Wolfsburg. European Planning Studies. Vol. 26, No. 9: 1874-1900.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2018. Social Construction and Cultural Meaning: Reconstructing Qualitative Sociology. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. : Vol. 6, No. 3: 563–587.

    • Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward. 2018. Vinyl Record: A Cultural Icon. Consumption, Markets & Culture. Vol. 21, No. 2: 171–177.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2015a. Modes of Seeing, or, Iconicity as Explanatory Notion. Sociologica No. 1/2015. Online.

    • Bartmanski, D. & Binder, W. 2015b. Being and Knowledge: On Some Liabilities of Reed’s Interpretivism. Czech Sociological Review No. 3: 499–511.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2015c. Refashioning sociological imagination: Linguality, visuality and the iconic turn in cultural sociology Chinese Journal of Sociology 1(1): 136–161.

    • Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward. 2015 (online first 2013). The Vinyl. The Analogue Medium in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Journal of Consumer Culture 15(1): 3–27.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2013a. How To Practice Visual and Material Culture Studies: A Cultural Sociological Perspective. Sociologica. 1/2013: 1–11.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2013b. The Word/Image Dualism Revisited: Towards an Iconic Conception of Visual Culture. Journal of Sociology 49(4):1–18 (Online 2012).

    • Bartmanski, D. 2012. How To Become an Iconic Social Thinker. The Intellectual Pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault. European Journal of Social Theory 15(4): 426–452.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2011. Successful Icons of Failed Time. Rethinking Postcommunist Nostalgia. Acta Sociologica 54 (3): 213–232.

  • Sammelbandbeiträge

    • Bartmanski, D. 2017. A Temple of Social Hope? Tempelhof Airport in Berlin and Its Transformation. Chapter in National Matters: Materiality, Culture & Nationalism edited by Genevieve Zubrzycki. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 216-240.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2016. Iconicity. In The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology edited by David Inglis and Anna Mari-Almila. London: Sage, pp. 538-552.

    • Bartmanski, D. and R. Eyerman. 2016. The Worst Was the Silence. The Unfinished Drama of the Katyn Massacre. In: Narrating Trauma. On the Impact of Collective Suffering edited by Ronald Eyerman, Jeffrey C. Alexander and Elizabeth Breese. London: Routledge.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2014. Ein P/ostmodernes Totem. Wie man als kommunistische Ikone den Kommunismus überdauert. A chapter in German in the book Spielplätze der Verweigerung. Gegenkulturen im östlichen Europa nach 1956 (Playgrounds of Insubordination: Countercultures in Eastern Europe after 1956) edited by Christine Gölz and Alfrun Kliems. Köln: Böhlau Verlag: 202–222.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2013. Liminal Cityscape: Postcommunist Warsaw as Collective Representation. In: Grubbauer, M. and Kusiak, J. (eds.) Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag: 133–162.

    • Bartmanski, D. 2012. Iconspicuous Revolutions of 1989. Culture and Contingency in the Making of Political Icons. In: Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 39–65.

    • Bartmanski, D. and J.C. Alexander. 2012. Introduction. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life: Toward an Iconic Turn in Cultural Sociology. In: Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 1–12.

  • Buchrezensionen

    • Bartmanski, D. 2016. Review of the book Media, Materiality and Memory: Grounding the Groove by Elodie Roy. Abington, Ashgate, 2015. Sociologica. Online. doi: 10.2383/85298

    • Bartmanski, D. 2014. Review of the book Making Samba: A New History of Race and Music in Brazil by Marc Adam Hertzman. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(10): 1897-1900 doi:10.1080/01419870.2014.885546