© Marc Volk

Ayham Dalal (Ehemalige)

C08 : Architekturen des Asyls II

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Technische Universität Berlin
BH-5-1 | Raum 205
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin

+49 (0)30 314-73783


  • Seit 2015

    Doktorarbeit, Technische Universität Berlin
    (Arbeitstitel) Between Humanitarian and Socio-Cultural Order: Understanding the Conflicts and Potentials Emerging from Refugee Camps Urbanisation. (Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz).

  • 2012 – 2014

    Master of Science Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (M. Sc.), Universität Stuttgart und Aim Shams University
    (Thesis) Camp Cities between Planning and Practice: Mapping the Urbanisation of Zaatari Camp. (BetreuerInnen: Prof. Dr. Nina Gribat, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen, Dr. Yehya Serag, M. Arch. Omar Aziz Hallaj).

  • 2005 – 2011

    Bachelor in Architectural Engineering (BA), Al-Bath University, Syria (Thesis) Planning and Designing the Campus of Tartous University in Syria.


    • Insbesondere ist er am urbanen Raum, Informalität, Resilienz, Kultur, Machtdynamiken, Identitätspolitik interessiert. Dabei fokussiert er sich auf sozio-räumliche Praktiken und Transformationen des Raums und deren Mapping/Visualisierung durch verschiedene Medien und Illustrationstechniken. Seine Forschung wird von seinem Interesse an Ethnographie, Anthropologie, Kulturwissenschaften, Urbanisierungs-Theorien und deren Zusammenhang zu Architektur-Design und zeitgenössischen urbanen Praktiken beeinflusst.


(Working Title) Between Humanitarian and Socio-Cultural Order: Understanding the Conflicts and Potentials Emerging from Refugee Camps Urbanisation. (Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz).


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

    • Dalal, A., „Why ‘now’ is an important moment in history: coronavirus and the refigured mobility of the world.“ Town Planning Review, 92(1),97-105, 2021.

    • Dalal, A., „The Refugee Camp as Site of Multiple Encounters and Realizations“, Review of Middle East Studies, Special Issue edited by George Bajalia, Sami Al-Daghistani & Soraya Batmanghelichi, 55(2), 215-233, 2021.

    • Dalal, A., „Why ‘now’ is an important moment in history: Coronavirus and the refigured mobility of the world“, Town Planning Review, Special Issue on Coronavirus, Liverpool University Press, 2020, 1-9, [Ahead of print]. DOI:

    • Dalal, A., „The refugee camp as urban housing“, Housing Studies, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1782850

    • Dalal, A., Darwish, A., Misselwitz, P., Steigemann, A., „Planning the ideal refugee camp? A critical interrogation of planning ‚innovations‘ in Germany and Jordan“, Urban Planning, 2019. DOI: 10.17645/up.v3i4.1726

    • Dalal, A., „Uncovering Culture and Identity in Refugee Camps“, Humanities, 6(3), 61, 2017. DOI:10.3390/h6030061

    • Dalal, A., “A Socio-Economic Perspective on the Urbanisation of Zaatari Camp in Jordan”, Migration Letters, Vol. 12, No: 3, 263-278, 2015. ISSN: 1741-8984 & e-ISSN: 1741-8992

  • Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

    • Dalal, Ayham, Aline Fraikin, and Antonia Noll. 2021. “Appropriating Tempohomes.” In Spatial Transformations: The Effect of Mediatization, Mobility and Social Dislocation on the Re-Figuration of Spaces, edited by Angela Million, Christian Haid, Ignacio Castillo Ulloa and Nina Baur. Routledge. [Forthcoming]

    • Dalal, Ayham with Aline Fraikin. 2021. “The Production of Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan: Contextual Factors” In Forced Migration in Jordan, edited by Valentina Napolitano, Norig Neveu and Jalal Al-Husseini. Bloomsburg. [Forthcoming]

    • Dalal, Ayham, Petra Heber, and Leticia Palomino. 2021. “Between Securitization and Appropriation: The Architecture of Inhabitation in Azraq Camp.” In Inhabiting Displacement, edited by Shahd Wari, Maja Momic, and Somayeh Chitchian. Forthcoming. Birkhäuser. [Forthcoming]

    • Dalal, Ayham, Petra Heber, and Leticia Palomino. 2021. “Appropriating Azraq Camp.” In Camps: A Genealogy of Refugee Camps in the Middle East, edited by Ayham Dalal and Kamel Doraï. Press de l’ifpo, Beirut. [Forthcoming]

  • Books

    • Dalal, Ayham, From Shelters to Dwellings: The Zaatari Refugee Camp, Transcript Verlag (Bielefeld: 2021). [Forthcoming]

    • Dalal, Ayham, with Kamel Doraï (eds), Camps: A Genealogy of Refugee Camps in the Middle East, Press de l’ifpo (Beirut: 2021). [Forthcoming]

    • Dalal, Ayham, with Philipp Misselwitz (eds), Displacement and the City, Bauwelt Fundamente Series, Birkhäuser (Basel: 2022). [Forthcoming]

  • Other Publications

    • Dalal, A; with Shea, N. “Displacement and the City: Interview with Ayham Dalal”, Europe Now Journal, Issue: Networks of Solidarity During Crisis, Centre for European Studies at Columbia University, 2020.

    • Dalal, A. & Misselwitz, P., „Asylarchitekturen als Verhandlungsräume: CampCities zwischen universalistischer humanitärer Ordnung und lokaler Handlungsmacht“, ARCH+, 2017.

    • Dalal, A., “Responding to the Refugees’ ‘Design’ Design Crisis”, XXI, 2016. [Online:].

    • Dalal, A., “The Emergence of Habitat in Zaatari Camp in Jordan: Between Humanitarian and Socio-Cultural Order”, Trialog, Vol. 112/113, 43-58, 2015.

    • Dalal, A. et al, “Negotiating the Future: Observations and Visions of Urban Phenomena in Djerba”, IUSD Publications, Cairo, Ain Shams University, 2013.

  • Konferenzbeiträge

    • (2018) The Planning of Refugee Camps as a Form of Housing, Forced Migrations in Jordan and the Middle East, The French Institute for Research in the Near East (Ifpo), Amman.

    • (2017) The Production of Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan, Pluralism in Emergenc(i)es: Movement, Space, and Religious Difference, Columbia University (Global Centers), Amman.

    • (2017) Tracing Camps Production in Jordan, Spaces of Refuge: Infrastructures, Sovereignties, Economies, Tampere University, Finland.

    • (2017) From Shelters to Homes: On the Political Economy, Architecture and Culture of the Home-Making in Zaatari Camp, Pluralism in Emergenc(i)es: Movement, Space, and Religious Difference, Columbia University (Global Centers), Amman.

    • (2017) Reading the Urban Morphology of Zaatari Camp, LAJEH Conference, The French Institute for Research in the Near East (Ifpo), Amman.

    • (2016) Urban Informality and Refugee Camps in the Middle East, De-framing the Mediterranean from the 21 st Century: Places, Routes, Actors, Forum Transregionale Studien (EUME), Crete.

    • (2016) Tracing the Urbanization of Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan, Royal Geographical Society; IBG Annual Conference 2016, London.

    • (2015) The Phantom of Camps: Beyond the Political (Im-) Possibility of Zaatari Camp in Jordan, International Conference for Critical Geography ICCG, Ramallah.