Prabaharyaka, I. (2024). The Aeroroutes of Stuttgart
Prabaharyaka, I.Publikationstitel
The Aeroroutes of StuttgartErscheinungsjahr
Anthropology NewsJahrgang (Ausgabe)
January/February 2024-
Zitieren (APA):
- Prabaharyaka, I. (2024). The Aeroroutes of Stuttgart. Anthropology News, January/February 2024. Abgerufen unter
“Aeroroute” is a composite term I introduce in this article to capture the unique material character of what Stuttgart locals call Frischluftzufuhr, Frischluftschneise, Kaltluftschneise, or Luftleitbahnen, all of which refer to a passage through which fresh and cool airs flow. Route—a space created from movement—is one of four types of spatial figure in sociology of space.