Daniela Krüger (Former Members)
C04 : The World Down My StreetResearch Associate
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Ziegelstr. 13c
10117 Berlin
since 03/2018
Doctoral Research Fellow SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration of Spaces“, Subdivision C04 "The World Down My Street. Resources and Networks Used by City Dwellers" at the Department of Social Sciences, Urban Sociology, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
since 2018
Doctoral scholarship granted by the Heinrich Böll Foundation
2014 - 2017
Research fellow at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology of Freie Universität Berlin
2013 - 2014
Research Fellow at the Chair of Organizational and Administrative Sociology, University of Potsdam
2010 - 2013
M.A. Social Sciences at Humboldt-University of Berlin
Studies at the City University of New York
Student Assistant at the Berlin Social Research Center
Student Assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development
2006 - 2010
B.A. Social Sciences at Humboldt-University of Berlin
2008 - 2009
Studies at the Università di Bologna
Research Focus
städtische Ungleichheiten
urban inequalities
local welfare institutions, organizational paradoxes
access to healthcare in the city
practices of care and translocal resource mobilization
Navigating Care between Clinic and Street. Urban Institutions’ Entanglement with Bodies, Space and Marginalization
Krüger, Daniela, Martin Voss und Kristina Seidelsohn (2017). “Fragmentierte Sicherheit: Zur Produktion und Reproduktion von (Un)Sicherheitsräumen in Städten.” Soziale Probleme. 28 (2), S. 285–299.
Krüger, Daniela (2016): Ausgrenzung unter Einbezug? Reproduktion sozialer Positionen im Prozess der Stadterneuerung. In: Stadterneuerung und Armut Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung 2016. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. S. 65-82.
Krüger, Daniela (2016): The Square as Sanctuary. Hiding from Exclusions in Public Space. In: Blokland, Talja/ Giustozzi, Carlotta/ Krüger, Daniela/ Schilling, Hannah (Hg.): Creating the Unequal City. The Exclusionary Consequences of Everyday Routines in Berlin: Ashgate.