
In addition to theoretical integration, the coordination of the spatial methods used in the different disciplines involved constitutes a priority for the CRC. In order to synchronise and bring together different methodologies of investigating space within and across disciplines, the CRC has established a unique Method-Lab.

The Method-Lab fulfils three functions, each addressing a particular interface:

  • Methods training for the doctoral students with connection to the MGK
  • Fostering methodological debates as a cross-cutting issue between the subprojects
  • Contributing to public events of the SFB


As head of the Method-Lab, I (Séverin Marguin) organise methods courses for the doctoral students and conduct consultations and internal workshops in the Method-Lab. I create digital and analogue collective infrastructures of research at the SFB (library, e-library, shared data repository, data display) to promote knowledge transfer between CRC members. I organise conferences and workshops to bring external expertise to the CRC on specific methodological topics.





Direction: Dr. Séverine Marguin
Research Associate: Dr. Christian Haid
Former Research Associate: Claudia Mock
Student Assistants: Emil Widmer
Former Student Assistant: Ines Gartlinger, Luisa Paul