
The research centre CRC 1265 collaborates with many universities in Germany and abroad, and with numerous scientific institutions involved in urban studies and the analysis of space. Individual projects maintain a close collaborations network with research institutions in the countries under study:

  • Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS) (TP A 01)
  • Department of Geography, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile (A 02)
  • Institut Francais du Proche-Orient (Ifpo) (A 04)
  • Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (A 05)
  • Institute for Urban Humanities der University of Seoul (B 03)
  • Faculty of Humanities and SociaI Sciences der Jissen Women’s University, Tokyo (B 04)
  • Department of Communication and Journalism der Hebrew University of Jerusalem (B 05)

In the first funding phase, the CRC 1265 cooperated with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW). The event series ‘Refiguring Spaces’ aimed to promote spaces of knowledge at the interface of academic research and public discourse. Special focus was placed on research practices in the transdisciplinary study of space. Questioning current discourses in the arts and the sciences, the series sought both to uncover underlying structures of order in these discourses and to create opportunities to feed the results of these debates back into the scientific research process.

Prelude to this series was the conference on “Mappings as Joint Spatial Display” on 29th November 2018, where methods of mapping as tools for the visual articulation of heterogeneous data were discussed. In a workshop with Joost Grootens, Dagmar Pelger and Philippe Rekacewicz, the spatial interconnections of HKW were examined at different scales—from the local all the way to the global level.

Further dates of the event series: