Organisation: Martina Löw und Séverine Marguin
TU Berlin | BH-N 230,
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Workshop “Media, Urban Space and Cultural Production” (mit Angela McRobbie)
This one-day event at TU Berlin follows three previous collaborations co-organised by Prof. Angela McRobbie (Loughborough University, London Campus) and Prof. Martina Löw (CRC/SFB Director TU Berlin). The first was hosted at TU Berlin in January 2020 and was titled “Digital Economies and Spatial Refigurations”, the next was held online in June 2021, titled “Covid Refiguring Spaces and Social Economies”, and the third will be hosted in person at London Campus, Olympic Park, Loughborough University in June 2023 under the title “New Thinking in Urban Creative Industry Research”.
On the 11th of July 2023 in Berlin, the focus will be on “Media, Urban Space and Cultural Production” and the idea is to discuss recent and more globally expansive research currents within this frame. This will include creative and inventive methodologies informed by difference, diversity and the urban experience. How do people live in cities in a post-pandemic environment of increasing social inequalities and ‘hard times’? What impact does the crisis of space have on the urban creative economy workforce? How are difficulties addressed, alleviated or embellished by popular media formats, i.e. What kind of urbanities do they show or keep silent about? And does social media provide spaces of connection, hope and intimacy for dispersed urban populations, or does it contribute to further fragmentation and urban isolation?